The most important part of the lash room I find as a lash client myself is how comfortable the lash bed that I will be laying on is. Think about it. I don't know about you, but something about laying still with my eyes closed while awake is just absolutely tormenting. It makes the time go by so slow and makes me feel like I'm just paralyzed for the whole duration of the appointment. If I am laying there awake, all I can think about is how bad my back hurts all while trying not to move an inch and to keep my eyes from twitching and rolling around underneath my eyelids. I just want to fall asleep so that the time goes by faster and to do that I need to be absolutely comfortable. As a lash artist, nothing is as irritating as having a client constantly restless and moving because it means we have to pause from lashing in order to prevent us from accidentally poking their eyes with tweezers or placing the extension on wrong. We essentially need you clients to play dead in order to lash efficiently and perfectly. So how can us lash artists make the client feel as comfortable as possible? First, you'll want to get a good quality lash bed. I myself use a massage table with a thick, comfortable surface. I find the lash bed works best for me but I've seen lash artists use aesthetician chairs or recliner chairs as well. I also purchased a 3 inch memory foam topper in a twin size and just cut it down to fit my massage table. This adds that cushiony and comfortable layer on the bed making it feel like the client is sleeping on a really nice mattress. Since I'm from Edmonton, and lately the weather has been -25, I have added a heated massage table pad to keep my clients extra warm and cozy. I keep my room temperate around 22 degrees during the winter but when we lay down for awhile and nap our body temperate drops and it can get a little cold for the client. The last layer of my bed is a fitted bed cover. This doesn't really add comfort for the client but more-so just adds a clean, comfortable aesthetic to the room. Now for the accessories. You'll want to have a cozy, preferably fuzzy blanket at the foot of your bed for your client to use - you can even tuck them in for added bonus points. This again, makes them feel like they are in their own bed and will promote a cozy lash nap. You'll also want to use something to put under the knees to elevate their legs, which takes pressure off their backs and prevents that awful back ache I was talking about earlier. I just use a simple decor cushion for this. Lastly, a memory foam lash pillow to support your clients head and neck. I love my lash pillow because it is super comfy for your clients. There is a groove in the centre which cradles their neck right in place. There is a little "ramp" which supports their neck in this position and prevents neck pain and of course, the memory foam adds that luxurious touch. This is beneficial for you because your clients won't try to move their heads around too much AND the sides of the pillows are flat surfaces for you to place your tools without them falling off as easily. You could also add this pillow tray which tucks in perfectly to the lash pillow and has spots to hold your tweezers, glue, phone, tape, fan, etc.! Once your bed is set up comfortably like this your client is for sure going to fall asleep within minutes! Time will go by much faster for them, they'll wake up with gorgeous lashes (the only time I ever wake up looking better than before I went to bed) AND you'll be able to work much more efficiently, providing the best lashes you can!
Let me know what you guys think and if you have any other tips to add comfort to your lash be